World Map

This is a map showing the general layout of Chaotica. When you first enter the world, you will find yourself in the Moorlands, at the centre of the map.

              Mount                                    Dwarven
              Doom                                     Kingdom
 Land of the____|________Elemental                        |
 Fire Newts     |        Canyon                           |-Kingdom of Juargan
                |                                         |
                |-Shaolin Temple                          |
                |                      Mud School         |-Gnome Village
 Miden'nir------|     Smurf                |              |
                |     Village   Rabbit     |              |
                |         |     Warrens----|      Dwarven_|     Castle Reinhold
                | Kandy   |                |      Daycare |           |
                | Land---Darkling------Moorlands----------|  Land of__|__Murky
                |        Forest            |              |  the Cult |  Land
                |           |              |-Ant Hill     |           |
                |           |-Circus       |              |      Plains of
                |           |              |       Goblin_|      the North
                |           |              |       Nation |           |
                |           |              |            |            |
                |           |              |        Gerighelm        |
                |        Town of        Haon Dor                     |
                |        Solace     The ___|__Shrine of              |
                |           |      Shire      Tahkien                |
                |      Crystalmir                                    |
                |         Lake   Yrserna's Lab    Castle             |
                |                       |         Naytil             |
                |                    Thalos---------|----------------|-|-----Ofcol
     High Tower_|_Gilda and             |           |              ____|       |
    of Sorcery  | the Dragon       Lair of Jher     |             |            |
                |                                   |           Ultima         |
             Camelot                                |                          |
                                                    |_Keep of              Old Marsh
                                                    | Mahn-Tor                 |
                                                    |                          |
                                                The Seaport                  Ocean